Saturday, May 16, 2020

Rheview #4 Sepuluh Meter (2020): Mental self-help in pandemy

Background story...

In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic period, one of the neglected issues is about mental health. This problem may affect everyone, not only those who suffer an economic crisis, but also those who settled on their comfortable mansion.
Sepuluh Meter
Sepuluh Meter

This issue mentioned well on Sepuluh Meter, a short movie made by Yandy Laurens with pandemic settings. (If you haven't watched it, WATCH IT NOW, SERIOUSLY!)

Friday, May 15, 2020

Rheview #3 Bridezilla (2019): Boundary between personal and professional life.

Hello, welcome back!

I'd been busy doing my course lately. And now it comes the time to write a RHEVIEW. You may notice that many of my reviews are on romance/drama genre. You notice it right, my favourite genre is drama, especially that consist of family or friendship problems. And you know what, this movie provides those.

Let's get going

Bridezilla (2019): Boundary between personal and professional life.

Bridezilla (2019)
Bridezilla (2019)

Monday, May 11, 2020

Rheview #2 The Gift (2018): Your presence is my best gift from God.

The Gift (2018): Your presence is my best gift from God.

This movie reminds me of my friend's presentation video. It was about sight, glaucoma, and human umbilical blood cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUBCMSCs, more or less, I forget the exact name). We need to increase our gratitude that we can still watch this movie and read this review with our normal eyes. Well, even refraction impairment still can be thankful for: we still can see everything with assistance, right?

Before spoiling it further, let's just start the 30 minutes review.


The Gift (2018)
The Gift (2018)

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Rheview #1 Malaikat Tanpa Sayap (2012): Better to have heart than wings, devils have wings too

Malaikat Tanpa Sayap (2012): Better to have heart than wings, devils have wings too


I finally managed to post something else since the first post I made on the 3rd of May. I overwhelmed by negative thoughts: "what if I still have grammatical mistakes?" "what if others disagree with my opinions?" andddd several other what-if-s.

To make it more interesting, let's try to make a challenge: I have to finish the review only in a maximum of 30 minutes. So let's get started, shall we?

Disclaimer: SPOILER ALERT!

Malaikat Tanpa Sayap
Malaikat Tanpa Sayap

Sunday, May 3, 2020

About this page

Writing again.
It's been several years since the last time I'm writing on a blog or something that is actually a proper place to write.

To make it personal, I'd like to introduce the philosophy of my blog. Rhewrite comes from two words, Rheza and write. Aside from its literal meaning (Rheza's place to write), it's also depicted that I'm rhe-writing (read: rewrite).

This blog is made so I can share my thoughts/opinions/ideas that rarely have a place outside my brain. Sure, I can write it on my personal notes (still, really personal things would be vaulted for myself), but hey, I can share it with you, and we can analyze & expand those thoughts together right? Besides, writings will make me "eternal" on the internet. I hope what I share gives something valuable to you guys.

I love Indonesian, but I want to write here using English until I can speak and write as fluently as I could with Indonesian (I'm a grammar nazi on Indonesian, btw).

Feel free to say halo/hello/hi/assalamualaykum. All languages are accepted :)

ps: please correct my English, it's very meaningful for me :)

Rheview #12 Daylight (2015): we can't get everything, and that's reality

Hi! More than a year passed since I haven't posted any rheviews. Well, I've been watching several movies, but my laziness comes as u...