Sunday, May 10, 2020

Rheview #1 Malaikat Tanpa Sayap (2012): Better to have heart than wings, devils have wings too

Malaikat Tanpa Sayap (2012): Better to have heart than wings, devils have wings too


I finally managed to post something else since the first post I made on the 3rd of May. I overwhelmed by negative thoughts: "what if I still have grammatical mistakes?" "what if others disagree with my opinions?" andddd several other what-if-s.

To make it more interesting, let's try to make a challenge: I have to finish the review only in a maximum of 30 minutes. So let's get started, shall we?

Disclaimer: SPOILER ALERT!

Malaikat Tanpa Sayap
Malaikat Tanpa Sayap
Malaikat Tanpa Sayap (Angels without wings) would be a valuable movie to learn some life lessons, aside from love relationships, although the genre was romance. 

Until the end of the movie, I keep thinking about "who is/are the angel(s) stated in the title" whether the main character (Vino) or his dad. Vino pictured as an angel for Mura, as he wanted to give his heart to her (LITERALLY, he want to donor it), even though he decided to do it because of the payments he will get. But as the movie continued and the relationships developed, Vino changed his mind to be a heart-donor, and willingly to donor his for Mura voluntarily. 

On the other side, Mura thought that there won't be any people "dumb" enough to sacrifice their own life, for others. They will eventually be forgotten, and people who take the sacrifice from will happy with other people. She got the point. That kind of sacrifice is a win-lose condition since it contains someone else life. Most other sacrifices (depends on the context) are worth doing if we seek something bigger. 

Not only Mura and her heart disease, but Vino also faced bigger problems rooted from his family. His father got bankruptcy, his mother left them, he dropped out from school, depression (and almost suicide), etc. Seems his life a bit exaggerated, huh? But no, these kinds of problems actually can happen in a modern family with weak vision. A major change in their life will cost everything: bankruptcy. Her mother can't hold on to live in bad condition (depicted as she ran away and married (?) with a richer man). Vino can't pay school tuition. Vino's younger sister got bullied because her father becomes a cab driver, etc. Financial is one of the main keys to maintaining good family conditions. I'm not saying that we have to be rich or something. What I want to say is financial problems need to be introduced earlier to our family, so major change won't affect that much since we already prepared and trained to face that. A good movie example of this kind of "financial training" conceived well in "Orang Kaya Baru (2019)."

Vino characters developed rapidly along with movie duration. He finally managed to make peace with himself, and consecutively make peace with his father. In the first couple of minutes we can see that it looked like Vino yelled at his father in anger, but on the contrary, it was actually he yelled in grief. The plot was twisted incredibly, it got me finally realize that our family is that "angels without wings".  

I would love to see epilogue about Vino's school and his best friends' condition.

Conclusion: Rhecommended, 8/10

Closing statement

Ahh, excess 2 minutes, and I only got a small number of words. I'll make this challenge as a daily routine (or at least once every two days). In future, I may also Rheview applications, songs, places, anything that can be rheviewed, but for now, movie is the easiest way to be reviewed.

Thanks for rheading, kindly correct my grammar (and also my opinion, we can discuss it).

Good Quotes:

• Vino: Kamu klo udh ngomong gabisa diem ya?

• Vino: Otak suka nyaring, mana yg harus diinget mana yg harus dilupain

• Vino: kadang, untuk ninggalin temen yg kita sayang, kita justru bikin dia marah dan sakit hati. agar saat kita pergi, kita gk terlalu merasa kehilangan

• Mura: ini kan buat nandain, klo aku udah bisa ngelewatin 1 hari.

• Mura: burung2 itu selalu lewat sini tiap jam segini, padahal kan mereka gk punya jam. / Vino: Insting, Ra. / Mura: Kayak kematian ya, gk punya jam, tp tau kapan harus dateng.

• Vino: mama gk akan dapet apa2, karena mama gk tau apa yg mama mau. Mama udh denger apa kata wina.

• Vino: Kamu sekolah dimana? / Mura: Di rumah, homeschooling. / Vino: Pantes punya banyak boneka

• Mura: Aku gk pernah ngerasa gk punya temen. Kadang temen di dunia Maya itu lbh real dr yg nyata.

• Mura: Rasanya gk perlu jd sahabat kamu buat bisa baca kamu

• Mura: Ya brarti kamu gk punya temen yg bener2 bisa baca kamu

• Temen Vino: Kapan Lo mau peduli sama bokap Lo? / Vino: yg satu itu bukan urusan Lo.

• Vino: Dia (papa) tuh kayak gini Ra. Dia tuh sosoknya ada, tp ternyata gk ada

• Mura: Mungkin sblm kamu berdamai sama papa kamu, kamu harus berdamai dgn diri sendiri

• Vino: Yg jelas hidup aku gk semudah hidup kamu. / Mura: Gk ada hidup yg mudah

• Vino: Klo kamu mau ngomongin masa depan, kamu harus janji. Janji klo kamu akan ngejalaninnya sama aku.

• Vino: Kalopun gua harus donorin jantung gua buat Mura, gua bakal ikhlas.

• Mura: Klo kamu tau, kamu bakalan pergi, ato kamu bakal kasian. Aku gk mau dikasihanin Vin.

• Vino: "klo ada hal yg aku gk cerita sama papa, bukan karena aku gk ngerhargai papa, aku cuman mau pingini tumbuh jadi laki2, yg bisa nyimpen sepinya sendiri, seperti Papa.

• Vino: aku gk tau harus mulai dari mana. jatuh cinta sama kamu bikin aku utuh. aku gk lagi ngerasa separuh.

• Vino: kamu akan berdegup dgn jantungku. jantung kita.

• Vino: embun gk perlu warna buat bikin daun jatuh cinta, Ra.

• Dalang: cinta bukan masalah memiliki. Cinta adalah berani untuk pergi, atau ditinggal pergi

• Vino: tapi kadang, dalam hidup kita tidak dihadapkan pada pilihan. dalam hidup, gk ada jaminan utk terus bahagia, seperti burung2 senja itu yg bisa mendadak melayang jatuh, gk pernah kembali ke sarangnya.

• Vino: waktu pernah mematahkan saayap2 kami, dan waktu pula lah yg menyembuhkan dan mengajari kami, utk tdk menyerah

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