The Gift (2018): Your presence is my best gift from God.
This movie reminds me of my friend's presentation video. It was about sight, glaucoma, and human umbilical blood cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUBCMSCs, more or less, I forget the exact name). We need to increase our gratitude that we can still watch this movie and read this review with our normal eyes. Well, even refraction impairment still can be thankful for: we still can see everything with assistance, right?Before spoiling it further, let's just start the 30 minutes review.
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The Gift (2018) |
The movie brings two health issues: a mental disorder caused by pain childhood memories, and a blind person "world" that sometimes overlooked. The first happened on Tiara, which had to experience as an orphan at her young age: her father left, and her mother suicided. The latter was for Harun, which suffered it after an on-purpose-accident.
Having a 180-degree difference in childhood background, general's child vs orphanage, they have different values about treating people, which makes the story more interesting.
Moving to my opinion, I like how the movie describes senses accurately. Even for acquired impairment on senses, in this case is the vision, humans have mechanisms to increase other senses' sensitivity into above normal, such as hearing & touching. "I'm blinded, not numbed" was a great sentence that came from Harun when Tiara unintendedly mocked him.
The movie also used a back and forth plotting, having a big mystery at the beginning of the movie, and gradually revealing it as the movie continued. Audiences can feel how memory affects someone's thoughts, feelings, and actions.
After meeting Harun, Tiara tried to empathize how blind people live their lives. This skill should be taught to everyone, so people can treat others accordingly. Tiara feels comfortable as "her world" and Harun's can be merged: the unseen world.
The conflict appeared when Tiara's childhood friend, Arie (Dion Wiyoko), came to her dwelling and paid his promise: to propose Tiara. Confused to choose between Harun and Arie, Tiara decided to lie to Harun, that Arie was a publisher. This caused Harun's temperamental emotion reached its peak and he casted Tiara away from his pavilion. These teach us the importance of honesty and anger management on an everyday basis.
And at the end of the movie, Tiara finally can felt "no vision" without empathy, she gave her corneas to Harun.
Sorry I need to fasten the rheview since the time is running out.
Why I always watch something with sacrificing organs on it? Is it popular among directors to use organ donors as a conflict enhancer? If they use a true story and making money from it, I would immediately rate that kind of movie low. Raising awareness about "donors world" is good, but don't raise your wallet at the same time.
I also regret that I can't manage to review Tiara's relationship with the orphanage manager. This teaches us that close contact/attachment not always build in nature: because of family links/offsprings; close relationships more likely to erect between a person who had been spending their valuable times with us.
I also dedicate this writing to my best friends: even though we are not in familial link, but I thank you all and wish you all none but happiness. Happy rheading :)
After I went back to this post and inserted the poster, I just realized that this photo actually gives a clue for those who analyze this poster. Really love that poster and rate it 10/10 <3. From now on, I'll pay attention on poster details so I hopefully could get a brief spoiler. I don't mind being spoiled, btw.
(Good) Quotes (according to me):
• Harun: Biasa saja? Jd berbuat baik menurut anda itu biasa saja?
• Tiara: Hujan? / Harun: Makanya klo punya Indra dipake
• Harun: Saya buta bukan mati rasa
• Harun: penyair gagal ya? Tiara: saya novelis gagal.
• Tiara: yaa yg aneh sih banyak, tp yg seaneh aku gk ada.
• Harun: "kamu cantik sekali" *he's blind.
• Bona: atau lo lagi ngasih tau ke dia bahwa dunia lo dan dunia dia itu sama. *BEAUTIFUL! That's the point of disable
• Bona: Miss privacy.. Klo gk ada kita, siapa sih temen lo?
• Harun: Intinya aku masih mau ngerayain ulang tahun, sama kamu, besok2 jg gapapa.
• Bu Suud (panti): Sayang, kamu harus bisa memaafkan dirimu sendiri
• Harun: aku dianugerahi, atau dikutuk, punya pendengaran yg sangat tajam, jadi maaf klo kedengeran.
• Arie: intinya, kamu membuat aku selalu mau berkembang jadi lebih baik.
• Tiara: Kamu serius cemburu sama org yg gk ada? Arie: Gk ada di sini, tapi kali aja ada di hati.
• Tiara: Aku gak mau jadi penghalang buat karir kamu, Arie./ Arie: Aku tuh lebih cinta kamu drpd karir.
• Tiara: Aku terlalu takut sama dunia yg terlalu nyata. aku lebih suka sama dunia yg aku ciptakan sendiri
• Arie: Bisa lihat ini berapa? / Harun: Dua. Terima kasih.
• Arie: Setiap cita2, ada ongkosnya. itu yg diajarkan pada saya.
• Tiara: Mungkin ini kutukanku yg menyebabkan semua yg aku sentuh terluka
• Tiara: mungkin kita akan bertemu lagi pada satu kota,yg bernama, ingatan.
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